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The JustAnswer story
In 2003, When our CEO, Andy Kurtzig, and his wife Sara were expecting their first child, they had questions around the clock, but their doctor only had time to answer them during scheduled appointments. Drawing from his entrepreneurial background, Andy built a site that connects people with doctors, lawyers, and other Experts 24/7, and the idea for JustAnswer was born. |
About Us
JustAnswer delivers top-notch professional services affordably and conveniently, 24/7. We're the largest online network of verified Doctors, Lawyers, Veterinarians, Mechanics, and other professionals, offering real-time, personalized guidance. With over 13,000 experts spanning 150 categories, we've assisted 22+ million customers in 196 countries. Count on JustAnswer for accessible 1:1 professional help anytime, anywhere. Our mission is simple, we want to help people. |
What Do Experts Do?
As an Appraisal Expert on JustAnswer, you can help people while earning money by answering questions online. Set your own hours and work anytime, anywhere. You’ll be able to use your expertise to help people assess the value of their collectables, antiques, coins, musical instruments, artwork, furniture, memorabilia, jewelry and more.
When do I work?
As an independent contractor on the JustAnswer platform, you can work as much as or as little as you want. There are no scheduled shifts or minimum hours requirements. Many Experts have full-time jobs or own their own businesses in their specialty, and they supplement their incomes by answering questions.
How much can I earn as an Expert?
You’re your own boss at JustAnswer! You decide how much you bring in depending on the volume of questions you choose to answer.
How do I answer questions on JustAnswer?
Requirements to apply
- Active certified or accredited membership from a national or international, reputable appraisal association, such as the ISA, ASA, IAAO , IVSC, AOA, AAA, ADAA, PADA, RICS, and IFA. Plus 2 years of relevant employment
- Or a degree in Fine Arts, Art History, Art Business, Contemporary Art, Fine and Decorative Art & Design, or Gemology. Plus, a minimum 2 years' relevant employment (e.g. appraiser, auctioneer, curator, museum relations, instrument designer or maker).
- Or at least 5 years of relevant employment without a degree or certification.
What Appraisal Experts are saying about JustAnswer
"I have been having too much fun working with JustAnswer! Since I’m retired, I have ALL this free time. I found out about JustAnswer on YouTube and thought what the heck I’ll give it a try and now I can’t stop answering questions. It makes me feel so good knowing I’m helping people especially when they truly thank me. I have already recommended JustAnswer to several of my retired and working friends."
— Sheri, Appraisal Expert on JustAnswer since 2021 |
“It’s [JustAnswer] the perfect place for me. I love the challenge of questions, flexible work schedules, awesome support, and team members... It's very interesting to see other people's treasures and helping them in determining the value or provenance of their items. It's also refreshing to know I have helped someone who thought something that was just ordinary turn out to be valuable, whether historical or monetary.”
— Tonyaa33, Appraisal Expert on JustAnswer since 2021 |
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