As an Expert on JustAnswer, you can help people while earning money by answering legal questions online. You’ll be able to use your expertise to help people from all over, even those who might not be able to access traditional legal services but still really need your help. Set your own hours and work anytime, anywhere by answering questions related to General Law, Family Law, Criminal Law, Property Law, Employment Law, Traffic Law, Immigration Law, Bankruptcy Law, Scots Law, Republic of Ireland Law, European Law, and more.
The JustAnswer story
In 2003, Andy Kurtzig and his wife Sara were expecting their first child and they had questions around the clock, but their doctor only had time to answer them at scheduled appointments. Coming from an entrepreneurial family, Andy built a site that connects people with professionals across 150+ categories including legal, veterinary, medical, tech and more, 24/7. |
Our mission is simple, we want to help people. JustAnswer connects customers. Customers ask questions and JustAnswer matches them to the right Experts. Check out JustAnswer.
Why you’ll love being a Legal Expert on JustAnswer
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How do I answer questions on JustAnswer?
Examples of legal questions
- My grandson wants to live full time with his mother. He currently lives with his father. What are the rules regarding his preference?
- I'm pregnant and need to file for divorce. Should I settle finances out of court or plan on going to court?
- I've received a parking fine from civil enforcement, but there was no card machine to pay, now we've received a final letter.
- How can I get a skilled worker visa to come to the UK?
- I need advice on property management fees.
- I believe my tenancy deposit was not protected at the start of my tenancy. What can I do about this?
- I've just been informed I'm being investigated at work.
When do I work?
As an independent contractor on JustAnswer, you can work as much as or as little as you want. There are no scheduled shifts or minimum hours requirements. Many Experts have full-time jobs or own their own businesses in their specialty, and they supplement their incomes by answering questions. Other Experts use the JustAnswer mobile app to answer questions in between their appointments.
How much can I earn as an Expert?
You’re your own boss at JustAnswer! You decide how much you bring in depending on the volume of questions you choose to answer. Many Experts who answer questions at least a few days per week earn an average of $2,000 - $7,000 per month. The most active Experts earn over $10,000 per month.
Experts are paid for every question answered and are paid out monthly. In addition to per-answer earnings, Experts can earn bonuses which can add up to an additional 10-20% to monthly earnings.
What kind of information am I providing in my answers?
Experts in the Legal category shall provide general information only, not legal advice and are prohibited from forming a professional-client relationship on the platform. Please see the Expert Agreement for more information.
Requirements to apply
For general law questions: a US attorney license that is active and in good standing, plus a minimum of 4 years practicing law.
To answer questions in any of the following geographies, the relevant attorney, solicitor or barrister licence or certificate is required:
To answer questions in any of the following legal specialties, a minimum of 4 years practicing that specialty is required:
What Legal Experts are saying about JustAnswer
"Personally, the flexibility is incredible. I work from home, I don't have to travel, there is no motion practice, no billing software, no mandatory meetings, and I get to do all of this while doing what I feel is important work. This is a very lucrative endeavor for me financially, which makes it even easier to show up here every day.” — Legal Eagle, Lawyer on JustAnswer since 2016 |
“The motivation I get from working with JustAnswer quite honestly is that every once in a while, I get customers who come back and tell me how much what I did for them helped... However, working from a beach is also another satisfying thing about being able to keep working on JustAnswer.”
— Law Educator, Esq., Lawyer on JustAnswer since 2008 |
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